Monday, August 31, 2009

WARG Telemetry update

Ive got my hands on some CSLA2CF hall effect current sensors.

They look to be ideal for the job we want them to do, onsite power monitoring

These are a three pin device with the following characteristics:

Vs 6-12
Is 20mA max
I(sensed) 125A max
Voffset Vcc/2
Sensitivity 19.6mV/NI @ 8VDC
temp offset 0.02% / degC

I believe this means that with a supply voltage of 12V and the wire passing through the toroid without a turn (ie N=1) a current of 0A will produce an output of 6V
a current of 5A will produce 6V+5x19.6mV =6.098V.

Our KPC9612+ telemetry channels want a 0-5V reading

That pretty much sums up the interfacing requirements. looks like our 2:1 voltage divider will come into play again.

I'll be posting some pix and diagrams soon. stay tuned!

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